
VIDEO: Biden Falls Up Air Force One Steps Again, Concluding Ukraine Trip

President Joe Biden’s “historic” trip to Ukraine and Eastern Europe culminated with him falling down on the Air Force One stairs, evoking comparisons to his infamous tumble on the same staircase in 2019.

The incident occurred in Poland on Wednesday as Biden was embarking on the presidential aircraft at Warsaw Chopin Airport.

Nearing the top of the staircase, the octogenerian commander-in-chief stumbled, and hurtled foward, throwing out his hands to break his fall on the steps.

The incident was captured by multiple camera angles and was posted to social media.

In March 2019, Biden infamously fell down multiple times while ascending the Air Force one stairs at Joint Base Andrews. The White House blamed the incident on strong winds.

Biden, 80, fell off his bicycle in June while riding near his Delaware home with First Lady Dr. Jill Biden and other riders as media caught the event on camera.

Moments after the fall, reported the New York Post, Biden was swarmed by Secret Service agents willing to lay down their lives to protect the leader of the free world.

Biden was quick to assure onlookers that he was fine after the fall, shouting “I’m good! I’m good!” Apparently, the Post reports, Biden’s foot became lodged in the toe cage of the $599 bicycle’s right pedal.

The crowd, which earlier had wished Biden a happy Father’s Day, began cheering when the aged president returned to his feet.

While delivering a speech last November, Biden was counting out an irregular series of numbers, reciting “Ten, twelve, fifteen -” before he lost his balance and started careening forward down the stage.

“Whoops! Steppin’ on ’em,” Biden cried out, finally regaining his balance before mumbling, “That’s black, anyway.”

This news and commentary by Gabriel Keane originally appeared on Valiant News.

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